We all know the usual "smart" home features (smart thermostat, smart fire detector, smart locks), and see plenty of fun arrivals too (the smart fridge, interactive mirrors, and voice assisted everything), but what's new tech that might stand out for Colorado home owners?

Smart Plumbing Monitoring: Flo, a smart plumbing monitoring system, installs onto a home’s main supply line and monitors water pressure, flow rate, and temperature. Best of all, it automatically shuts off the water supply when serious irregularities are detected and sends urgent text alerts to users. No more frozen pipes, Colorado? Sounds like a great device and a bargain to me! Be sure to let your friends with mountain properties know about this new technology. Price: $500; available now.
Smart (and Affordable) Security: Maximus is a floodlight with Wi-Fi camera and a two-way speaker designed to prevent break-ins. The unit detects movement within a 70-foot range and sends alerts to users' smartphones. After reviewing the live video feed you can choose to ignore, sound a siren, speak to persons within speaker range, or contact police directly from the app. This seems like a great device for homes and small businesses. Price: $249
May Not Be Ready for Prime Time ... The Laundroid from Seven Dreamers is said to be "laundry-folding robot and wardrobe management system." The catch (beyond its astronomical price-tag), the Laundroid app manages the process and needs online closets programmed with every single piece of clothing you own itemized and designated to family members ... and those e-closets have to be updated, continually. That alone sounds like too much hassle for me to put any faith into a first generation appliance that appears destined to deliver something worse than paper jams. Personally, I've never been more excited to fold clothes. But who knows, I could be wrong. I was about Roomba! Price: $16,000 on pre-orders through the end of 2018 (but the cost may come down to $2,000 if it becomes mass-produced)
Read about 8 other Gadgets Making Homes Even Smarter in this month's REALTORMag.
Michelle Schwinghammer is a REALTOR®, Notary Public, and Certified Negotiation Expert® who encourages buyers and sellers to envision, plan, and create the future they want. Learn more here. Referrals appreciated. Schwingstate, LLC, 1990 Depew St Box 147047, Lakewood, Colorado, CO 80214. (303) 638-8711, michelle@schwingstate.com. @schwingstate on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter